Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Day 5 - Ups and Downs


From Sapporo to Hakodate was the plan, but this year's 10th typhoon was not compliant and decided to come by and say hello. I'm safe and sound in Oshamanbe station though and tomorrow should be okay to continue although a bit windy.

The rain started this morning. My bike was wet, but the bags had done their job and everything is still dry despite 100 km in the rain. At first it was okay and I thought little of it, but my shoes were drenched and I doubt they will be dry enough tomorrow. I'm using my sandals instead.

It was very hilly today and this is just Hokkaido. I hope it will be sunny next time I have to climb mountains again. Another unfortunate thing was the tunnels. Although they make it much easier because you don't have to go over the mountain it's quite dangerous. There is no space and the trucks get really close!

But in all of this rain and typhoon stuff I found a friend. His name is Fujita and he is going to Cape Sata as well. His route is different from mine and more direct so he'll be there before me. We had to split up, but I hoped we would meet again. Most of the people biking are not going all the way of course, so meeting one who is was really nice.

More rain and mountains and I reached a small town called Oshamanbe. It's famous for various dishes which includes crab and has a lot of hotels compared to the size of the city. And what I was looking forward to the most after a cold shower. Onsen.

When I got to the city I searched for WiFi. At the station I got lucky and I soon located the place. For you who don't know, onsen, you're missing out.  It's a natural hot spring and it's awesome after a day of biking.

I got another surprise there. I recognized Fujita's red bike and thought it was good that I didn't try to continue to Hakodate.
He was in the onsen too. This one was cheaper (only 420 yen) than the other I went to in Haboro, but it was really nice.

Fujita and I talked a lot and after that we went for curry because most stores were closed. It was only 19:00, but since it's a small town I guess that's how it is.
After dinner we went to the station to sleep and this is where we are right now.
Free WiFi, we can charge phones and safe from wind and rain.

Tomorrow is Hakodate, I can't wait to go sightseeing there!

Over and out!

Distance: 110 km.
Top speed down hill: 64
Condition: tired, but dry.
Quote: ups and downs, smiles and frowns.

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