Friday, October 7, 2016

Day 44 - One Week Left, I Leave it to You


I woke up and started making breakfast, but didn't get much done before Ayana's mom  woke up and did everything for me.. I really wonder how to repay her for all the things she has done for me.

After forgetting both phone and watch I ventured on. Legs felt fine, sense of direction didn't. But no major detours occurred and the lovely atmosphere around Dazaifu makes it a pleasant place to "explore". = nice way to say get lost. 

Today's course was 103 km, but I figured I would end up with more so I left Fukuoka at 6 something. I also feared for the mountains later on. 

The first 80 was really easy and I made it in very good time, but after a break just before the climb of a big mountain pass I felt the heat and my legs, haha. 

After getting on the other side of the pass I made 50 km/h in average all the way down and arrived at Ayana's dad's house at around 14:00. 

As many might be familiar with I have met him before. Twice. Last January. Both was in  the Ayana's company and therefore I felt quite nervous to be honest. But I thought a lot (actually I thought about it for more than 40 days,  all the way from Hokkaido) about what to say to him. 

Although Ayana is going to Denmark of her own free will, etiquette dictates that I kind of have to have "a talk" with her dad. Now there are many things to consider and so on and so forth, but in the end it boils down to me saying that I'll take good care of his daughter.
(That's quite literally what you can say if you want to make it short.)

Now I respect her dad a lot and I really see him as someone I can look up to in certain regards of life. And I can't say anything that will convince him more than just living a happy life with Ayana. So that's my next adventure! 

After sitting and talking while eating for more than two hours I retired to my room and took a long bath in the natural spa for the second time. Then I watched a football match where Japan won. Very interesting match btw. And now I'm thinking about tomorrow and all the mountains. By far the toughest day. Maybe even if you count all the other days too. 

Distance: 117 km
Time: 5:30 h
Condition: feeling zen-ish
Quote: I bet my life everyday

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