Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Day 27 - Goodbye Kyoto, Hello Osaka


I woke up and went to the Golden pavilion, one of the most famous landmarks in Kyoto from early morning, although I have been there before, I thought that since it was so close I might as well go and get a traditional Japanese experience. But of course there were too many tourists to be able to enjoy the atmosphere.

I was asked by a group of school kids from Tokyo to answer some questions in English and while talking to me I heard what they said in Japanese. Oh, if only they knew I could understand them... I wish they knew that. And not just them, but most Japanese. They don't see it as an option and therefore they end up saying whatever they think without filtering it, haha. Almost always interesting.

I went to the dormitory where my friends stayed and played smash brothers with Kasper. Then I washed my clothes and watched sumo on the tv. Great. After spending the entire day in their ihouse I got a taste once again of the great life there and I really wish I could go back to the time I lived in Fukuoka. But the trip must go on!

The entire day was quickly spent doing nothing special and we went to eat all-you-can-eat yakiniku (meat BBQ). It was amazing of course. The Danish students and some of their dorm friends joined and we had a blast. after that I packed my stuff, said goodbye and went on to Osaka. And this is where you reached the present time in my post. I'm looking for a place to sleep while updating the blog.

Tomorrow it's sightseeing and visiting friends in Osaka and hopefully getting a bit of rest before the next few days of bike madness begins. From Osaka to Fukuoka through Shikoku is where I don't know anyone and so I might do this part faster than I planned out. Let's see how well I do in Shikoku.

I would like to thank Kasper for helping me out while I stayed here, it was really great! Enjoy your time and best of luck, my friend!

Distance: 35 km
Time: 2.20
Condition: not hungry
Quote: more meat, please!

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