Monday, September 26, 2016

Day 31 & 32 - Imabari Laziness, Cycling Paradise and Hiroshima!


I woke up and wanted to get down from the mountain village I stayed in. First I had to climb the last bit though, but the way down was amazing! Love when it's down mountain/hill, but it inevitably means, at least for me who is doing long distance biking that I will have to go up again. 

It started raining and I wrapped my stuff up and continued. After 100 km I reached Imabari, the city just before the bridges that would lead me back to the main island, Honshu. The trip was long and my legs felt heavy, but I made it in somewhat good time. 

The rain got really bad and after eating tons of food near the station. (Went to two different restaurants), I decided to go to a spa. I stayed there for 9 hours, bathing, reading manga, sleeping and eating again. 

At 00:00, after thinking a lot and looking at maps, blogs and weather forecasts, I made a decision. I would go on to the bridges tonight. It didn't rain, but I had 6 hours before it would start again. 

The first 3 islands where easy, although the way to the first one was a bit tricky. When I got to the third island it was already 03:00. I decided to go slow and maybe catch a good view of the islands and bridges, but it soon started raining. 

Oh yeah, the rain by the way. I was kind of annoyed at the weather forecasts, but what can you so do, eh. On the fourth island I thought I might as well sleep a couple more hours and so I did. I would wake up, take the two last islands, get the view and be better rested. Although I slept some hours in the spa, riding in the dark makes you sleepy. 


When I woke up it was still raining and I just went on without doing much else than dreaming of my next big stop in Fukuoka. 

On the last island I had to take the world's shortest ferry ride. And for 70 yen. I'm not even kidding. I could throw my shoe to the other shore with the right wind conditions.
Then I ate breakfast and biked on. I took a detour not wanting to go through the mountains,
It turned out the trip wasn't that difficult and the 30 something extra kilometers were easy to finish. I felt great and I could have continued further, but okonomiyaki, a food pancake with whatever you want, was waiting for me. 

I went to a convenience store and there an old man and his family talked to me. The usual questions and then I was told that he did a trip around Hokkaido. He told me he was young back then and I ensured him he was still capable of doing a similar trip despite his age.
I didn't expect to be approached by someone in the city like that. I already felt a good vibe from Hiroshima. And the city is very awesome. Nice size, not overcrowded and a good city center. 

In the peace park I found out that I had a flat.... but wait, it was on the front tire!!
I just wrote about the fact that it's always the back tire... but as it turned out the front tire is easy to get on and off. No problem. 

In the park a met a guy who has been living here for over 14 years. He is originally from Germany, but lives here in Japan with his wife. He wanted to help me if I needed a bike store, and I'll go to it tomorrow and get spare tubes. 

Of course he knew about the city in ways tourists or people just passing through can't possibly know. I gave them my blogspot so if you're reading this I want to thank you again for helping out, I love that about traveling and meeting people!
I went for a public bath and then ate okonomiyaki, (the place I was suggested was unfortunately closed). 

Now I'm wondering how to spent the night, I might take some hours at a manga cafĂ© or something like that. Tomorrow morning I'll go see the castle and maybe some other things if I feel like it. 

But tomorrow I'll also try to get as far as possible to Fukuoka. The trip feels like it will end there, but I also know that it isn't the case. I just can't wait to have some days with friends and of course my lovely girlfriend who is waiting patiently for my arrival. It won't be on a white horse, but a dead beat bike and a ton of baggage. Let's see how far I can take it tomorrow. Again, want to stay longer in Hiroshima, but time is money and I will definitely come back here again, no doubt. Top 5 of the cities so far.

Distance: 100 km.
Distance 2: 190 km.
Time in total covering both: 15 hours
Condition: loving the cool vibe in Hiroshima!
Quote: peace is free.

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